.Biorremediaciones de Juan Pablo Ferlat
Instalación, 2022
"Is it possible to balance our relationship with the ecosystem? How can we heal the damage we are doing to the biosphere? These are perhaps the most urgent questions of our time, in which it's evident that the exponential acceleration of the unsustainable model in which we live is reaching an irreversible physical limit as a reflection of a profound crisis of meaning of capitalist society". Juan Pablo Ferlat.
Four screen video wall. Duration: 6:35". No sound. Installed at Openhouse by Openbank, Buenos Aires (2022).
TouchDesigner development: Pedro Falco. Curator: Cristian Reynaga.
Bioremediations series is a research project that links new artificial intelligence technologies and fungi with bioremediation capabilities by degrading pollutants in the environment in which the artist cultivates fungi and records their evolution with different photographic capture techniques
Fragment of the video